July 2, 2008


Analog quanties shows the continuity of a specied value.Analog computer are devices, which are used to measure continuous value.it example is a theremeter because it measure the length of amercurry column,which varies continuously.second example is analog colock.these computer so big. these computer can help the student.The problem under study is described with a set of mathematical equations or, when that is not possible, the system configuration and the interrelations of component influences are defined in block-diagram form, with each block described in terms of black-box in.these computer is run to solve the equations or simulate the black boxes so that the resultant values or system responses can be obtained. This gives the initial answers and the “feel” for the systemput-output relationships.
DIGITAL means discrete.with digital signals everything is described in two either on or off.digital computer has two state.0and1.
The basic concepts involved in using a digital
TELEPRINTer,semituneous equations
Simple autocode examples
Examples of working advanced design programmes.digital computer has more many types.
A computerthat combines the features of both analog and digital computer system is known as hybired computer.An example of a hybrid computer system is acement pln where all calculatoain are made by digita computer system and accordi ng ideas and action such as increase of certain material in furnace and increase/decrease of fuel for tempereture is performed by the help of analog system. Hybrid computers can be used to obtain a very good but relatively imprecise seed' value, using an analog computer front-end, which is then fed into a digital computer iterative process to achieve the final desired degree of precision. With a three or four digit, highly accurate numerical seed, the total digital computation time necessary to reach the desired precision is dramatically reduced, since many fewer iterations are required.
THESE COMPUTER ARE THE LARGEST,FASTER,AND THE MOST EXPENSIVE COMPUTER SYSTEMIN THEWORLD.THEY ARE USED TO PROCESS COMPLEX SCIENTIFIC JOBS.these computer based on the concept of parrellprocessing.very few companies in the world produce super computer.cray rearch andeta system inc.super somputer are widly used in meteorological offices where weather patterns are predicated by manipluting vast amounts of data.Supercomputers introduced in the 1960s.
These computer are the large large computer available in different models.size,and price.qualified operate and programming required,they support a wide range of pripherals.they have a large storage capcity,they can make use of awide variety of software.Large computer supporting typically 100 to 500 users at a time. The IBM 370 and IBM 3081 are examples of mainframe computers.Today in practice, the term usually refers to computers compatible with the IBM System/360 line, first introduced in 1965. (IBM System z9 is IBM's latest incarnation.) Otherwise, systems with similar functionality but not based on the IBM System/360are referred to as "servers" However, "server" and "mainframe" are not synonymous (see clientserver.
MINICOMPUTER WERE INTRODUCED IN THE 1960S.THEY HAVE LESS CAPACITY.They offer a limited range of peripherals.limited software can be used.air condition is not necessary for minicomputers.Medium-capacity computer that is larger than a microcomputer but smaller than most mainframes. A minicomputer can handle a larger amount of data than a microcomputer and can perform most of the functions of a mainframe.
A mid-sized computer, usually fitting within a single cabinet about the size of a refrigerator, that has less memory than a mainframe.
These computer are widly used nowdays commonly and these computer.they are very cheaper and small.they have limited input output caacities. low storage.they designeg to be used by one person at a time.these computer are widley used in bussiness application.these computer are used for engineering designs.micro computer can also be used for play music and communication.The earliest models often sold as kits to be assembled by the user, and came with as little as 256 bytesof RAMand no input/outputdevices other than indicator lights and switches. However, as microprocessors and semiconductor memory became less expensive from the early-to-mid-1970s onwards, microcomputers in turn grew faster and cheaper. This resulted in an explosion in their popularity during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
These computer are also known as personal computer.they are usually single user machines but can be interconnected.They are cheaper and have been sold in millions.
A computer is a small mobile prsonal computer, usually weighing from on to three kilograms, depends on size, material and other factor.While the term laptop and note book are often used interchaneably laptop is the older term introduced in 1983.note book computer system very cheaper and small in size laptop usually run on a single battery or from an external AC/DC adapter which can charge the battery while also supplying the computer itself.
A small computer that literally fits in your plam.Compared to full size computer, plamtop are severely limited, but they are pratical for certain function such as phone book and calendars.Plamtop that use a pen rather than a keyboard for input are often called hand held computer or PDAs(Personal Digital Assistant).small in size.Most plamtop computer do not include disk drives.

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