July 1, 2008


The first device that qualifies as a computer is the abacus.The abacus was introduce 5,000 years in asia minor.This device allows user to calculate by sliding beads arranged on a rack.abacus is the brief history of and a Bibliography follows. It is a good idea to think about the history of arithmetic, mathabacus is a device, writing and records information. abacus usually of wood having a frame that holds rods with freely-sliding beads mounted on them."2
Chinese abacus has 2 beads in the top position over the horizontal bar and 5 beads in the lower position, for each "column". The upper row beads could each represent one hand. The lower columns could represent the 10 fingers.

This picture of a black colored abacus shows an abacus with more depth to it than in the previousphotograph.
Jhon napier.
john napier was a scottish mathematication.after abacus he was made first manual calculating device.in addition to multiplication this machine was also used to calculate square roots and cube roots.

Blaise pascal.
In 1642 blaise pascal the 18 year old son of french tax collector introduced a numeric wheel calculator to help his father in calculation. its device was known as pascaline.
Barron gottfried wilhelm von leibniz.
In 1694 a german philosopher and mathematician made some improments in pascal smachine.He added the characteristics of multiplation and division. The machine was able to perform these operation by using repeated addition and subtaction.
Charles xavier thomos de colmar.
A frenchman introduced a machine in 1820 that could perform the foue basis arithmetic function.
charles babbage.
An english mathematician, proffeser made a differenceengine in 1833 which was powered by steam to solve mathematical equation.After ten years in 1842 he made a generalpurpose computer named analytical engine.its analytical engine could add, subtract, multiply and divide in automatic sequence at a rate 60 addition per second.
joseph marie jacquarad.
In 1801 a french silk weaver and inventor joseph marie jacquared introduced the jacquared loom.jacqquareds loom was conrolled by the recorded patterns of holees a string of cards.
George boole.
Georage boole clarified binary system of algebra,which stated that any mathematical equation could be stated simply as either true or false.

Herman Hollerith
In 1890, an america inventor herman hollerith applied the action or idea of punch boards in the form of punch cards in computer for input and output.He invented apunch card labulating machine.

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