July 2, 2008


First generation computer were featured by the fact that operating instruction were made to order for the specific task for which the computer was to be used.its made the computer difficult to program and limited its versatility and speed.features are first generation computersuch as vacum tube, operating instruction.machine language.EXAMPLE eniace.edvac,edsac,etc.vaccum tubes were the only electronic components available during those days.disadvantages.unreliable,air condition,prone to frequent hardware failure,non portable,limited commercial use.

In 1984 invention of transistors,vacum tubes were replaced with transistors. second generation computer replaced machine language with assembly language allowing abberviated programming codes to replace long difficult binary codes.EXAMPLE lilliac,ibm 7090,608.advantage.small size,more reliable less heat,less hardware failure, better then first generation computer.disadvantages.air condition required,frequent maintaince required.

Third GENERATION COMPUTER.(1964-1975).
The invention of the silicon ic by rober noyce in 1958 allowed dozen of transistors to be put on a single chip.its packing made it possible to builed computer that were smaller,fasterand cheaper.Another third deneration development included the use of an operating system that allowed machine to run many different programs at once with central program that mentioned and coordinated the computers memory.EXAMPLE.ibm 360,cdc6600.advantages.small size,reliable,working speed faster these computer maintaince cost was low.easy movable.very cheaper. diaadvantages.air condition required, highly difficulty technology required.

FOURTH GENERATION COMPUTER.(1975-present).Bys the 1980 very large scale integration squeezed hundered of thousands of components onto a chip.altra large scale integration (ulsi) .its inreased their power,efficiencyand reliability,Intel made a chip named4004 in 1971 on which a central processing unit ,memory and input output controls were made.IBMintroduced its prsonal computer for use in 1981.As smaller computer became more powerful,they could be linked togathered or networked share memory space,software information.computer was linked together by using either direct writing called a local area network.EXAMPLESintel4004,xt,4x86,pentium,1,2,3,4.advantages,small in size.reliable.heat generation is low.no aie condition required,bog memory,easily portable.

FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTER.(present-beyond).The most frequent famous example of fifth generation computer is the fictional hal 9000 from arthur cclarkes noval 2001 a spase odyssey.hal could reason well enough to hold conversation with its human operators use visual input and learn from its own experience. using recent engineering advance,computer is able to accept spoken word instruction and reproduce human reasoning.for example expert system assist dostors in making diagnoses by applying the problem solving steps.hal 9000.

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